So. I set about to create my own impression casts, using paper pulp in handmade wax casts. In my imagination these were to be lovely roughly-textured paper hearts that I intended to call "Rough Hearts". Unfortunately, there is sometimes a disconnect from head to hand. Sunday I just could not translate my idea from head to heart.
Here is an exciting photojournalistic recap of the day's creative adventure:
I cast a fragile little paraffin mold of an ammonite from one that I had on hand. I have ammonites on hand at my house.
I tried the same thing with a net bait bag, starfish, and some cheap silver plate serving platters from Valu Village.
I also "dug up" a couple of my fern fossils from Donkin to cast in paper. The detail on these casts were quite breathtaking.
By about 3 pm it was evident that I might be able to produce 3 or 4 Rough Hearts if I worked quickly. Hardly a bounty. I decided to dry the paper pulp more quickly by placing them on
the woodstove door.
Note to self: wax forms on woodstoves do not a good idea make.
I was left with only one other option - solar heat. It being a nice sunny day I propped them up on the windowsill to air and sun dry. They're still there. They might be ready for Valentine's Day 2014.
Valentine Fail.
My heart just wasn't in it.
Oh well.
I don't care anyway because I have a special hate-on for the occassion this year as it's the first anniversary of the passing of my beloved Clover, a.k.a. "The Big Bitch".
So Happy Stupid Valentine's Day. From the Big Bitch.
Just throw the darn ball.